Friday, May 29, 2009

Interesting News

"Singer Rihanna cleared her schedule to testify next month in the case against singer Chris Brown, who is charged with brutally beating her earlier this year, her lawyer said.

Rihanna's lawyer revealed that the singer will comply when prosecutors call her as a witness.
While Brown's lawyer previously indicated he hoped to resolve the case without public testimony, Los Angeles Criminal Court Judge Patricia Schnegg set on Thursday a preliminary hearing for June 22.
Schnegg also ruled Thursday that a leak of police photos showing Rihanna's bruised and bloodied face would not affect the prosecution of Brown."

I just want to know what she's gonna say...if she's gonna say he did it or if she gonna protect him... I'll have to wait and see.

Next Year

What do you have planned for the next school year? Get all my credits and chill...have fun

What are you doing? lots of different things

How can you make sure that it happens? Keep my mind on my work!! :]]

Summer time!

What do you have planned for the Summer? Going on vacation... Going HOME!!!
Where are you going? London,England
What are you doing? Seeing family, friends, partys, FUN!!!

Last Memory of a Senior

Odessa is one of me closest friends she lives in the same block as me maybe about 10 doors away i luv her she's like a crazy sister to me and im gonna miss her soooo much. She's going of to the army so i wont see her much. I don't know what im gonna do with out her we do everything TOGETHER GOING TO THE STORE, PARTY, OUR HAIR ,EVERYTHING....I'M SO LONELY NOW!!! :((

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where in the world do you want to vist?

Egypt :]]

"The Egyptian civilization was one of the great civilizations that had deep-rooted values and persistent traditions. Despite the succession of different political rules, the Egyptian people kept their customs and traditions, most of which are still prevalent in daily life and social behaviors."
One of the places i really want to visit is Egypt, I'm gonna travel ALL over the world when i get older, i want to go off on an adventure and not have any real destination all i know is that I'm going EVERYWHERE!! Egypt being one of the main places!!!
Egypt's history is amazing all in is own!! I mostly want to see the PYRAMIDS!!!! :]]

I also want to visit Dominica (Dom-in-eek-a)!!!!

One main reason is because that's were my daddy was born!! I'm half Dominican!! :]]
"Dominica sits midway along the Eastern Caribbean archipelago, just a few miles from Martinique to the south and Guadeloupe to the north." Its actually pretty funny because i was almost called Martinique lol. Its also funny because every time i say Dominica every one thinks i mean the Dominican Republic but I DON'T!!!! anyway i really wanna go (1. to see how it is and (2. because i own land over their!! :]]

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

first day of freshman year!!!!

My fisrt day was fun i knew most of piper anyway soooo it didn't matter to me. I ran ish i was too cute!! :) im one of the best in my class soo..... it was fun!!:]] the

only thing was i though i was gonna get lost cause it was sooo big!!! :( lol

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good quote!!

life is a mostly a happy greatful time but the also say death is peaceful but leaving your happy life and thinking about leaving the ones you love is hard its like going from a sunny day to a rainy one....its just depressing!! :(

first day at school.

First day at school was lonely you dont really have any friends so you kinda sit by your self until some one comes along to talk to you :]]

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Something you like to do!

One word DANCE!!! Dance is my life their is nothing greater than day. Your can release a lot of stress and problems through dance and that's why i like it the most!! :]]

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

something free

Definitions of candy:
sugarcoat: coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit or nuts

Candy is soooo good this is the best thing in the whole world this is the answer to every problem ever created!!! The only thing better then candy is Chocolate but that is considered candy to soooo its the best!!! :]]

free blog

A baby New-New is on the way. has learned that actress Lauren London is indeed 5 months pregnant! This time it’s not just another empty rumor. And that’s the reason we haven’t seen her out and about in the last 3 months. She actually made one appearance since February and it was at the Next Day Air premiere last week. But interestingly, all her pictures were only taken from the bust and up.

so she is pregnant but is it lil wayne's?? i doubt it...i wouldn't mind, i love them as a couple sooooo i wouldnt mind them together : ]]

Monday, May 11, 2009

something yellow

I love this car it's one of my future cars lol :]] I'd take it in this color 2!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Anthony Sears, pictured, was arrested for selling drugs in the parking lot of a police station, according to cops in Cleveland, OH.
Sears, 37, allegedly jumped out of a car when an off-duty cop noticed him, and dropped a gun, and then picked it up, as he ran.

The criminals just get worst and worst!!!! lmao!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What are you AFRAID of

1. What is it ? confined spaces

2. What can you do to get over your fear? Idk if i knew i wouldn't be afraid.

3. Do you have anything interesting to say about it? I don't know why I'm afraid of it, i start to panic even when my face is covered.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tell a story

Ok sooooo can somebody tell me the point of this sigh?? Is it really necessary for this to be made and even put up? I mean really if what it says is true then why but the sign up in the first place??? And is this real??? where in the world is this sign because I'd really like to ask the people around there why this its there and if it makes any sense to them because id doesn't to me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MAGZINE Cover!!!!

I chose this mag. cover because i LOVE Tyra she's my idol and i wanna be just like her!! :]] Keep your eye out for me I'm gonna be the next Tyra Banks.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Something Red

This car is amazing the "Mustang GT"!!! This is on the looooonnnngggg list of cars i want but this one is way at the top of the line :]] I don't think a mustang can get any better then this..... this doesn't need and thing else don't make is a 4 door don't take away the roof its perfect just the way it is!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009



"hen visitors go the courthouse in St. Lucie, FL they must surrender their personal items for inspection. Clinton J. Gordon, pictured, went to the courthouse Tuesday and surprised the security checkpoint guard by allegedly placing his marijuana pipe in the tray.

How dumb can you be, I'm really? I'm glad he got arrested


I regret nothing.....

I dont regret, regreting is pointless you have to keep looking forward!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

tell a story

have you ever seen something and when you turn around to tell someone and trun back and its gone??? i have, dont you just hate it when it happens and everybody thinks your crazy because your the only one that saw it, well this is a prime example because whne i saw this i was bugging out!!!!! So i announced to the whole car to look and then all of a sudden the truck does a sharp turn and goes a different direction so no one saw it and crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


this are some EXTRAVAGANT shoe's....well i like them so this is what im putting!!!!!! :]]

the heel is a gun..... thats sooooo cool!!!! :0

Friday, April 24, 2009

Intresting news.

Wow how childish can you be???!!!

"Catheline Marie Colon, stabbed her boyfriend with a steak knife after an argument over a box of Pop Tarts.Colon, 18, had moved out of their home together, but returned to collect her things. When she indicated she wanted one final tasty toaster pastry for the road, her 19-year-old boyfriend said she couldn't have one and that is when she allegedly went all stabby on him."

Over a pop tart?? I mean yea their good but come on their not that good lol.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What are you looking forward to?

1. What is it- Going home to London, England this summer!!!!! :]]

2. What are you doing to get ready for it?- Buying warm clothes.

3. Do you have anything interesting to say about it?- Its were i was born and i haven't been their in 8 years!!! :(

Tell a story


This is the new way to get your mail without paying for stamps and without costing the government a THING!! Its surprising that no ones ever thought of it before its the best thing I've ever heard of. Since we're all in a extremely hard place in are lives were money isn't flowing like it use to here's a little something to make your life a tiny bit better!!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Something small

This is ridiculous this is the smallest phone i've ever seen in my life!!!! lol Its kinda cool tho.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Something strange

"Safran, who was half-naked and wearing a long-haired wig with an improvised crown of thorns, joined the Filipinos in a procession carrying a huge wooden cross to a crucifixion site, flanked by men in Roman centurion costumes. Safran could be heard moaning loudly as the nails were driven into his palms and as his cross was hoisted up, allowing him to hang for about five minutes. " This is crazy, apparenty he's a comedian but who woukd find this funny. Why would he think nailing your self to a cross and causing your self pain is fun??? Crazy!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fav. show

~Top model is the show!!!!

~Tyra Banks is the host, and there is a different cast every season.

~Allot of them get jobs and become very famous even if they don't win

~I would ask Tyra if i had potential.

Tell a story.

A wallet misplaced during a romantic embrace has been returned to its forgetful owner after 55 years.

"Two classic car collectors from the US state of Idaho found the wallet after it fell out of the back of a vintage car they were planning to restore. After an Internet search they found and contacted the owner, Glenn Goodlove. Goodlove said he probably lost the wallet in the back seat of his 1946 Hudson car while kissing a girl when he was home on leave from the US Navy."

I think that is so amazing how did they manage to find him after all this dang time?? I wanna know so if anyone finds out...let me know!! :]]

Something New

Metro PCS has a new phone!!!!!! OMG i am soooo excited!!! I want it so bad, its very exciting when metro gets a new phone; extremly happy when its something as high tech as a touch screen. Its seems like their just popping them out, they also just recently came out with a blackberry i am so proud metro has came a llllooonnnnggg way!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Something old

I know for a fact that you all remember the WALKMAN!!!!! lol

The walkmen was the beginning for the portable music player, this was our ipod. Everybody had a walkmen, you had your fav. music on your tape and when you had to make a trip you grabbed it and you were of!!! The walkmen was back in the day when people used batteries. Thats was forever ago!! lol

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fav. Song.

1. What is your favorite song?(Right now, or of all-time)- Elevator

2. Who is the artist?- The Pussycat Dolls

3. Do you enjoy all of this artist's music?- Yea, most of them.

4. Do you know anything about this performer?- they are very popular, their are 5 of them.

5. What would you ask him/her/them if you met them?- Why doesn't Melody sing more? :p

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Should your Urine be yellow or clear?

Some people say your urine should be clear and some say it shouldbe yellow??? What do you think??

The color of your pee depends on what you put into your body. Your pee is waste the for whatever you consume will be broken down and gotton rid of through your pee.

So if you drink alot of water its gonna be clear if you eat alot or take pills it may be differnt colors!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Intresting News

Straying Husband Caught by Google 'Cheat' View

A man is caught cheating on his wife when his wife spots his car outside a woman's house on a google street search. There are alot of other cases just like that. The husband claimed that he was away on business but his wife spotted his car because of his hub caps.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

About Me

I was born in London England i moved here when i was 9. Alot of things were different when i first got here!!! I'm a pretty down to earth girl but don't get it twisted you don't know me so don't try to get slick because I'll put you in your place quick time!!!! :]] anyway on a better note i enjoy dancing (I'm a dancer), i model, i act , and i sing! I do it all :]] anyway that's all i can think of I'm out later.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Haters,fakes, and yearbook!!!

I love all my yearbook losers but some times yall can be such "BIG DUCKS" lol The biggest duck of all is the one who decided to write a 10 million page essay that no one's gonna read anyway about us not gonna mention any names...(BRITTNEY) because im not gonna stoop to her level!!!!!! :]] Besides that i love yall because we're great people and great minds think alike, just like how 6/10 of us wore gray skinny jeans to day WITHOUT planning it!! :p